strop help!

Discussion in 'Straight Razors' started by huckelberry hound, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. huckelberry hound

    huckelberry hound Active Member

    I have managed to dull my Boker by the third time of stropping! any advice/tips would be greatly appreciated
  2. Neolithium

    Neolithium I am Canadian, eh

    For the time being, lay your strop flat on a table, and do it that way. It takes the flex out of it, but allows you to do the proper motion until you get the hang of "flipping" the blade on it. If it hasn't been folded too bad, it may just take a few good laps to get it back. If it's too far gone, you may need to send it off to get a quick cleanup done with a finishing stone to bring the edge back, it won't require a full overhaul though at least.
  3. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    Something that I've never heard, "Practice stropping/flipping your blade by using a butter knife. That way you can obtain the muscle memory needed to properly strop and not nick up your strop in the process."
  4. jabberwock

    jabberwock Well-Known Member

    Slow and steady motion is the way to go. Don't try to imitate folks who fly over a strop, most of them have been doing it for quite a while or have become impatient. Taking it slow ensures that you'll pay more attention to razor placement and technique.

    Would you rather spend a couple of extra minutes stropping or a couple of extra days and dollars sending off your dulled blade to be rehoned?
    swarden43 likes this.
  5. huckelberry hound

    huckelberry hound Active Member

  6. 178-bplatoon

    178-bplatoon Well-Known Member

    Don't feel to bad it's actually pretty easy to dull an edge stropping until you get the proper technique down...I can't tell you how many razor sharp knives I've stropped to dullness when I first started to fool with knife sharpening...:)
  7. gssixgun

    gssixgun At this point in time...

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