And more injectors. A gold "J" model in a box My first Golden 500 - I gave it one bath and it still needs a couple of spots cleaned up. An extra Grip (in case I lose the one I have) and an extra "J" (can't have too many)
My very first stainless steel razor a vintage ED Wusthof Trident Barber's King for professional use full hollow 13/16.
My kinda-sorta-Leresche #77-looking razor arrived in the mail today. Will be interesting to see what I can find out about it...
A couple things from the past week: A Simpsons Chubby 2 Super, which is just on loan for a short time. Great brush, but proving to me that the cheaper brushes in my current rotation really do punch well above their weight. And a couple tins of Chatillon Lux aftershave balm that I got in trade. New company, nice product. Interesting paste-like texture, seems to work really well and the scents I got are restrained and nice. Catalan's Prairie is floral, but not in a perfumey way, really reminds me of walking through a prairie full of tall grasses and wildflowers. Delor de Treget is woody, mostly cedar.
Arrived today from @david of central florida. Thanks, David. You will be seeing it in tomorrow's SOTD.
While waiting for my daughter to arrive at our destination for fathers day weekend, I visited the antique store in the area. There were a few items but nothing I was interested in when the lady who was showing me the items asked me if I collect these razors. I replied that I do but must also be able to use them and I am a bit picky. She left me for a moment and returned asking if this would interest me. Trying not to show my enthusiasm I quietly replied, yes, if the price was right. She tossed me a fantastic price and I bought it. A C.V. Heljestrand MK No. 24 A great start to an excellent weekend!
"MK" is btw, as far as I remember, "Mästerlig Kvalité" (translated roughly into "Master quality") and was used for CV H's best blade series.
Thanks! It looks like it came from the factory. I will need to hone it and then it will be ready to go. I am lucky to have found some great items this month. They almost seem to be falling into my lap.
First time I used it was just a splash. Test run for next morning's shave. I used as a body splash the next morning. The following day I picked up a couple BOGO's of Halston Z-14. Found them to be amazingly similar. FW will be in my Sunday- Friday rotation. Saturdays fragrance is for SWMBO.
My package from the Italian Barber showed up today - would have arrived sooner but my mail was turn off since I was out of town. I did a test lather on all of them and they all lathered up easily and felt very slick with lots of cushion. I am going to let the arko air out a little while but I think it will be fine after that.
Also, unpacked a couple of my finds from vacation in NC. A nice little SS in good shape - haven't dated it yet. And a Boker "Our Own" hollow ground razor. Having some trouble dating this one - it seems the 226 is the more common razor but this one doesn't appear to have a model number. I really liked the carving on the scales but the other side is broken. As you can see the blade needs some cleanup too. Overall I'm pretty happy with my picks. Figured for $10 a piece I couldn't go wrong.
Arrived in the mail yesterday - Star Super Six. It's in heavy-user condition with some plate loss but I was happy to be able to establish that mechanically it's very sound and should function very well.
Also arrived yesterday - an original, old Apollo blade case w/ some blades that, once cleaned up....., should go well with my Apollo razor
I got my order in yesterday. it is a Aqua Velva poker chips bottle set. it has regular blue, redwood, surf, and lime. i'm looking forward to trying them out.