The Haul: June 2023

Discussion in 'Show and tell' started by Angelo85, Jun 1, 2023.

  1. gorgo2

    gorgo2 geezerhood

    It's just a cheap stainless steel one off Amazon, but I was surprised at how well it cleaned up (comes in all black enamel but scotch brite does wonders). Turning 55 this fall, I think I've reached the age where I can finally comfortably wear a ring of this nature...never owned a HS or college ring. Nothing from either I would want to memorialize. Just the opposite.

    I took no offense at your comment because I honestly didn't understand it, but I know you've got that slightly bent British humor. :happy088:
  2. brit

    brit in a box

    ;):eatdrink047::) it's a cool looking ring.
    jimjo1031 and gorgo2 like this.
  3. gorgo2

    gorgo2 geezerhood

    Found a genuine Polish deli this morning. They make the best braunschweiger I've ever had and the most divine plum preserves with rum.
    Jim O, Primotenore, Frijolero and 2 others like this.
  4. mrchick

    mrchick Odd, Terrible Avatar

    How was the face feel?
  5. brit

    brit in a box

    mrchick likes this.
  6. gorgo2

    gorgo2 geezerhood

    Sticky but refreshing.
    brit and mrchick like this.
  7. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Jim O, gorgo2 and brit like this.
  8. brit

    brit in a box

  9. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

    Frijolero and brit like this.
  10. brit

    brit in a box

    to be honest i wouldn't know,it arrived today.;):eatdrink047:
    Frijolero and Jim O like this.
  11. John Beeman

    John Beeman Little chicken in hot water

    Guess I’m on a different wavelength.
    I’ve been trying to get 100 soaps.

    Either that or I’m just mixed up.
  12. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    I used to like the unscented Proraso, before reformulation...
    Then I found Nivea, but it, too has been changed...
    A while back, I had a collection of the Art of Shaving pre-shaves, ASB's, ASG's, etc. All gone.
    Today I received this (vintage) bottle of the unscented.
    Pump bottle.
    Absorbs quickly.
    A little dab'll do ya.
  13. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

  14. Chappy_Stan

    Chappy_Stan Well-Known Member

    1947 Gillette Super Speed

    This razor is gorgeous for its' age and as smoothly as it operates had to have been "tuned up". Has a few dark spots I think will polish out but I'm not worried about it. Sanitized it of course just to be on the safe side. Looked up the blade gap and believe it should be 0.025 inches. Blade gap on this razor appears to be 0.022 inches on all 4 corners. I don't have a 0.023 feeler gauge but could not get a 0.024 into it. First shave was fantastic and slightly milder than my 1955 Gillette Super Speed that is set at 0.025 inches blade gap. I'm a happy camper!

    1947 Gillette Super Speed 01.jpg 1947 Gillette Super Speed 03.jpg
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2023
  15. gorgo2

    gorgo2 geezerhood


    Fuller nylon, very old but brand new.
  16. brit

    brit in a box

  17. brit

    brit in a box

    just arrived.
  18. Jim O

    Jim O Well-Known Member

    Have you used these soaps and after shave before?
    brit likes this.
  19. brit

    brit in a box

    no.vendor near me sells them.i am shopping more locally these days.:):eatdrink047:
    jtspartan likes this.
  20. gorgo2

    gorgo2 geezerhood

    I'm one of the very few who prefers nylon.
    Enrico and brit like this.

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