Can we have another vote? We'll get to see @Paul Turner all gussied up again. I heard all those ladies came with him last time from The Piggly Wiggly.
Tuesday, January 24 Mike's Bay Rum~~Morris & Forndran Ali Baba 2~~Cooper MonoBilt/Gillette 7 O'Clock Black~~West Indies Bay Rum Mos def© NOT a 3017 shave, but a glorious shave, nonetheless. Am adopting the @jtspartan method of spelling the Cooper razor. Don't forget to set your alarms, Primo (yes, third person) will announce his 3017 choice Monday...
Thank you, @Primotenore , for the most excellent gift! @Paul Turner I believe this soap/aftershave combo would start a riot on Senior Tuesday at The Pig.
Why don't you use the soap and the AS and report back to us, Paul. I happen to know you have both of these products...
I have a small section of the soap, but flipped the aftershave a long time ago, as I ordered it in the for winter I say. And just now I went back to my den and saw a "spritz" of CF. I guess it WAS you who sent me both.
Day 20 Another one bites the dust…surprised I got 20 days out of the last 1/3 of the bottle. Concentrated juice for sure. I’ll flutter around for a few days and then think of another 3017. I’m enjoying the focus.
How about a 50/50 mix with Tabac? Just make sure you send the number of a good divorce lawyer with it as well…
Jason, my Bride doesn't mind Tabac, but I introduced her to the Midnight Stag this morning. She had a thing or two to say about it. Since an emoji is worth a thousand words... I simply removed the lid from the soap container at the breakfast table. (I never claimed to be smart.) It took awhile to air out the kitchen.