Titanic and 3017...?

Discussion in 'Shave Soaps' started by Primotenore, Apr 27, 2018.


Why do you "3017" a product?

  1. For the Challenge

  2. Because I was Challenged

  3. Because I am Challenged

  4. None of the above

  5. All of the above

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Keithmax

    Keithmax Breeds Pet Rocks

    Midweek shave: I forgot to add the soap bowl to the picture, but a donut is starting to emerge. Koraat 14 2.0 for the win and Omega Boar for it soap destroying qualities. King Kouros for the stink.
  2. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    May 17, 2023
    Blackland Era Level 4
    Zenith B29 Boar
    Gillette 7 O’clock Black
    MdC Fougère
    Speick After Shave

  3. brit

    brit in a box

    Super 84/KCG
    John Varvatos

  4. jtspartan

    jtspartan appropriately stimulated, via Netflix

    Day 30
    A quick 2 passer again early this morning for #30. I thought I’d get about 30 shaves out of what was left in this tub when I started. As usual, I underestimated.
  5. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Thursday, May 18
    AoS Lavender~~Zenith B507~~Feather DX/Feather Pro~~Frederic Malle The Night
    Day Twenty
    Still a few shaves left. The lather has been a winner since the beginning.
    The Zenith is a lather-making machine.
    The Night is the stank of all
  6. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    May 18, 2023
    Feather AS-D2
    PAA Shaverite 210 with Mix Knot
    MdC Fougère
    Speick After Shave


    Happy Thursday Everyone. I have a bad cold and sore throat so I am working remote today. At least I feel a little better after the shave. The MdC continues disappear at roughly 2 grams per day. I finished the Speick this morning which will allow me to move onto something else. Take care and have a great day. ​
  7. brit

    brit in a box

    brit aristocrat/ksg
    custom badger

  8. jtspartan

    jtspartan appropriately stimulated, via Netflix

  9. jtspartan

    jtspartan appropriately stimulated, via Netflix

    Hope you feel better in the morning, Clint.
  10. Keithmax

    Keithmax Breeds Pet Rocks

    Wishing you a fast recovery.
  11. Keithmax

    Keithmax Breeds Pet Rocks

    Boar Beatdown week continues. This weekend I will take a break from the AoS and resume on Monday. TGIF!
    shave - 1.jpeg
  12. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    Thank you guys. I’m still under the weather today. But I do seem to be improving

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. brit

    brit in a box

    classic edge

    needed a break from the kaisen ..back to the grind tomorrow.;)
  14. jtspartan

    jtspartan appropriately stimulated, via Netflix

    Day 32
    Enjoyed a nice 3 pass shave early this morning. This TTO ‘Crat needs the 3rd pass, imho. Less efficient than most all the other 30s Gillettes.
  15. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    May 19, 2023
    Blackland Era Level 4
    Omega Evo
    Gillette 7 O’clock Black
    MdC Fougère
    Myrsol Agua Balsamica


    Happy Friday Everyone! I have spent most of the morning in bed. I did manage to get shower and shave. At least that made me feel more like a human. I think I will move from the bed to the sofa now. ​
  16. brit

    brit in a box

    i think this is the 4th shave on this blade..so..new blade tomorrow..:D:eatdrink047:
    clint64 and Frijolero like this.
  17. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Get well soon, Clint.
    wristwatchb, brit and clint64 like this.
  18. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    A good shave can perk you up. Get better.
  19. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Friday, May 19
    AoS Lavender~~Zenith B507~~Pre War USA Tech/Gillette Platinum~~Initio Oud for Greatness
    Day Twenty One
    3017'd the Art of Shaving/Valobra lavender. Exquisite lather 100% of the run.

  20. clint64

    clint64 Blind Squirrel

    Thank you Joseph.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Frijolero, Paul Turner and brit like this.

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