Unable to add images via Firefox

Discussion in 'The Help Desk' started by SRQShaver, Nov 4, 2021.

  1. SRQShaver

    SRQShaver Well-Known Member

    Hello all. I'm note sure if there are any other Firefox users out there but I've noticed that I have a hard time, and sometimes impossible time, adding images to posts. I was posting to the SE and Injector SOTD thread today and just couldn't make it work. I decided to try using a Chrome-based browser, in my case Vivaldi, and it worked perfectly. I'm not sure if it's Firefox itself or possibly one of the extensions I'm using but it just wouldn't work.

    I'm not asking for help or for anything to be done to investigate a possible cause. I just wanted to post this here in case anyone else is using Firefox and having issues. Try using a different browser and that may help, as it did in my case.
    Queen of Blades likes this.
  2. Dave in KY

    Dave in KY On second thought, Buttercup

    1,000 kb maximum so you need to downsize yourself. Perhaps your alternate browser did it for you and Firefox didn't.......just a guess
  3. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    You can convert your picture to JPG and that will reduce your KB download to under 1 million KB hopefully,

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