Upside down

Discussion in 'The Brush' started by William232, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. Kilgore Trout

    Kilgore Trout The Smart Bunny

    I am not sure about the science of it all, but I figure the bottoms are flat for a reason.
  2. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    You clipped off the first and most important part of my quote - It's your brush. Treat it how you like.:)
    William232 likes this.
  3. nsomnac

    nsomnac Active Member

    Here's my 2¢. Having done a bit of woodwork over the years, I'd say if it's a wooden handle - tips down. Water is wood's enemy. Quality watercolor brushes typically should dry flat to prevent all kinds of damage usually to the shape (probably not a big issue for shave brushes) and handle. Allowing it to act like a sponge will just encourage cracks over time. You might not see it drip, but shaking the brush gets most of the water out of which the rest of the water evaporates before it gets to the ends.

    Now plastic, rubber, or metal handles - do what you want. Either way is probably fine.
  4. Mr. Shaverman

    Mr. Shaverman Well-Known Member

    Here's some food for thought:

    If you're air drying the brush, most of the water is going to evaporate, not drip off. So..

    - If you do handle down, brush up, the water evaporates up into the air in the room and off of the brush/handle.
    - If you do brush down, handle up, the water evaporates up to the handle where it will condense and drip off, likely back to the brush, repeatedly over and over, a little less each time.

    Like Kilgore said, I kind of have to think brush bottoms are flat for a reason.
    Majoofi likes this.
  5. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    see below
  6. CyanideMetal

    CyanideMetal Wild and crazy guy

    I think the key is air circulation. If the glass has no access to air or air movement, it might take a long time to dry and never if in a vaccuum. As long as you sling water out of the brush after use and/or pat dry on a towel, you should be ok with bristles up drying.
  7. TitanTTB

    TitanTTB Well-Known Member

    I've done both, hanging my brush from a stand and setting it on the counter and they both seem to dry in an equal amount of time. I like to hang the brush & razor I've just used on a stand mostly to tidy up my counter space in my small den, the others are in the medicine cabinet once dry.
  8. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    Agreed. I did state the glass was placed on a drying rack, thus allowing for air circulation.
  9. stonyloam

    stonyloam Well-Known Member

    OK got to correct this. First off the glass (or brush) in a vacuum would dry ALMOST INSTANTLY! This is because the rate of evaporation depends on the relative humidity of the air surrounding the hairs. The lower the rh the faster it would evaporate. In a vacuum the rh is 0% and the water vapor is free to move and fill the vacuum. With the upside down glass there would be minimal air movement and the air would become saturated (100% rh), and since water vapor is lighter than air the water vapor would be trapped and evaporation rate would be limited to the rate of diffusion into the surrounding atmosphere, so it would dry more slowly than an upright glass. The rate of drying of your brush would depend entirely on the rh of the room and how quickly the humidity surrounding the hairs diffuses into the atmosphere (the more air movement the faster it dries). The moisture in the knot itself will migrate from wetter to dryer areas. So as long as it is in a well ventilated area up or down should not matter.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2014
    Chuck F likes this.
  10. Kilgore Trout

    Kilgore Trout The Smart Bunny

  11. Doryferon

    Doryferon Well-Known Member

    When the brush is new and i want to break it after the shaving i let it dry upright
    I feel that will help the bloom procedure a little bit more.
  12. Uncle Brian

    Uncle Brian Active Member

    I have a synthetic brush so I guess that for me it doesn't matter much which way I hang it as it dries quickly and there isn't anything to rot. The reason I do hang it bristle down is because I made a cool rack out of a bent coat hanger that I have been using for 3 years ... I like my weird little hanger so bristle pointing down it is.
    burnout961 likes this.
  13. Doryferon

    Doryferon Well-Known Member

    They forgot to mention that there must be a little heat below to help the evaporation
    In a dry glass especially in the country where the water is "hard" after a night you can see the white marks of salts in the bottom.
    That gives a bad looking and as i am thinking of it i don't want them in the base knot of my brush.
  14. William232

    William232 Active Member

    This certainly turned into an intriguing conversation.
    nsomnac likes this.
  15. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    I was talking about a drying rack on the counter - no extra heat underneath, just room temp. The inside of the glass still dries.
    I see your point about hard water.
  16. jeraldgordon

    jeraldgordon TSD's Mascot

    So, now I have to invest in a vacuum chamber for brush drying? This is getting complicated...!
    Slipperyjoe likes this.
  17. Doryferon

    Doryferon Well-Known Member

    In every shaving forum you can find a same topic
    Always some different opinions,no problem.
  18. HUF

    HUF Active Member

    Yes, only if someone needs an excuse to buy a stand!
  19. CyanideMetal

    CyanideMetal Wild and crazy guy

    The wet shaving world would benefit from a multi-brush drying stand similar to:

    jeraldgordon likes this.
  20. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    Might be a little tight in the den. But it gives me an idea...
    I know some folks are using old rubber stamp holders to hold their brushes. How 'bout hooking a motor up to one and gearing it up so you can spin dry your brushes! :happy102:
    Bristle Me and CyanideMetal like this.

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