Pre de Provence Shaving Soap Vie-Long horse hair brush 30 blades from try a blade Tiki Bar Soap Set Sail That should be enough for this week.
Well I had the win so I bought 2 brushes instead of none. First The Simpson Chubby 1 in Best. Then The Simpson Keyhole 3 in best.
Still waiting on my 1924 SE shovel-head Also, today ordered; - Stirling A/S splash (Bay), - 2-3 sample shaving soaps, - some soap tins
ATT R2 Head Assembly HTGAM Cavenish AS so I can scent my Unrefined Shea Butter I'm addicted to this scent Wet Shaving Obsession Soaps - Fougere and Bay Rum & Sandalwood
Waiting for a gem micromatic, although SWMBO said she is keeping it until my birthday... In August. Still, it gives me 5 more months to try and master the art of DE shaving before attempting SE. Just went to the postbox and found some free samples can't wait to try them. In also wrote to D.R. Harris Taylor's of Bond Street and Truefitt, but only trumpets would send anything. Do you know if anyone else does free samples?