What Manly Things Did You Do Today?

Discussion in 'The Chatterbox' started by jwr0201, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. richgem

    richgem suffering from chronic clicker hand cramps

    Oh like that would even be difficult. We're all center mass. :p

    And I think I want that as a refrigerator magnet.
    Sara-s and mrchick like this.
  2. mrchick

    mrchick Odd, Terrible Avatar

  3. Enrico

    Enrico Popcorn

    Successfully salvaged the knot from a broken Simpson Duke shaving brush ....... terrible as it may sound I'm setting it in a very unusual butterscotch /caramel Opal shaving brush.

    Sara-s likes this.
  4. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    Can't wait to see it!
    Enrico likes this.
  5. mrchick

    mrchick Odd, Terrible Avatar

    I carried this very heavy box in from the porch

    5000 rounds should last me a little while.
  6. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    I should hope so!
    mrchick likes this.
  7. Enrico

    Enrico Popcorn

    In the 70's living in the beautiful farm country of the New York finger lakes; my brother was paid by the bird to shoot Starlings. She was an elderly lady and would even pay for his cartridges ..... 22 Hornets.

    I don't particularly like them, but wouldn't bother shooting them.

    brit and mrchick like this.
  8. Bax

    Bax Well-Known Member

    We used to have some swallows, but starlings came and evicted them. Swallow nests are pretty unobtrusive. When starlings move in they trash them and make a big mess. I make it a point to go out and tear the starling nests down whenever I see one. The swallows never came back. I can see why the elderly lady wanted them all shot!
    - Bax
    Enrico likes this.
  9. Bax

    Bax Well-Known Member

    Manly things: I started bush hogging 10 acres of overgrown farm field. I only got about half of it done after an entire day of work. The grass was chest deep, and there were even small trees that had started growing up in there! It was very slow going. Very thick vegetation kept me from seeing very well. Every few feet I'd hit a rock, cinder block, or stump. Tore up my bush hog pretty bad. I found an A-99 CB antenna in the grass, which was kind of weird. I barely missed it with my bush hog. I also stumbled across a giant hole where an underground tank of some kind of used to be. Slmost blindly ran my tractor into the hole, but saw it at the last minute. The hole was about the same size as my tractor and hidden by a wall and blackberry bushes. It wouldn't have been pretty if I had gone into that pit! I'll have to find some dirt somewhere on the property that I can use to fill that stupid hole. Reclaiming a neglected, overgrown farm field is a LOT more work than I expected!
    - Bax
    Enrico and Sara-s like this.
  10. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    @Bax that’s a lot of work! What exactly is a bush hog?
  11. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    A heavy duty mower designed to be towed by a tractor.
    They do come in various sizes. Some are like a push lawn mower on steroids.

    can polat and Sara-s like this.
  12. richgem

    richgem suffering from chronic clicker hand cramps

    And now I know too.
    Sara-s likes this.
  13. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Bought a new trash can for my kitchen-it's large, but I'll figure something out. The other one was coming apart(wear and tear).
    can polat, Enrico and Sara-s like this.
  14. Bax

    Bax Well-Known Member

    Swarden43 beat me do it! Yes, a bush hog is like a big lawn mower pulled behind a tractor. Depending on the size of the bush hog and the horsepower of the tractor, they can do quite a bit of clearing. I only have a 5 ft bush hog and a 25 horsepower tractor, so my setup is pretty light duty. I can still take down the brush, bushes, and even small trees without much of a problem. Occasionally I ran into cinder blocks hidden by the tall grass in the field, and my bush hog chewed them up and spit them out. By tall grass, I mean shoulder height when I'm sitting on the tractor. If I get off the tractor, I can't see over the grass at all. So most of my bush hogging is blind. I dropped the front end loader of the tractor as low as I could without scraping the ground, to push the grass down and give me a warning if I found something hard in the grass. It's a good thing I did, because I found several huge tree stumps, a couple of good sized steel watering troughs, and a coil of rusty old barbed wire. Clearing land on what used to be an old hog farm many years ago, ain't easy! Hopefully it'll be a nice, smooth horse pasture when I'm done.
    - Bax
    DaltonGang, swarden43, Enrico and 2 others like this.
  15. Enrico

    Enrico Popcorn


    Restored a great little brush!

    DaltonGang, mrchick and Sara-s like this.
  16. Enrico

    Enrico Popcorn

    I was at my son and daughter in-law's home yesterday, when my oldest grand daughter (five) came running up waving a branch around like a wand. It had distictive markings on its leaves, so I stopped her a moment and asked where she found it. She pointed a grassy area and I asked her if I could have her wand and she gladly surrendered it and quickly picked up a random stick and joyfully ran off. After looking at the leaves I realized it was a very beat Leopard Lily or Dieffenbachia. I took it home and cut it into sections and planted it in soil to root it ........ I figured my in-laws that lost their home to a house fire would enjoy a new house plant in the future.

    A healthy example ...


    Last edited: Sep 1, 2024
    DaltonGang, blondblue, Sara-s and 4 others like this.
  17. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    @Enrico that is very thoughtful.
    Enrico likes this.
  18. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    I finished sewing a quilt & then shot a Martian.
    IMG_2024-09-06-164447.jpeg IMG_2024-09-06-121909.jpeg

    This shoot was at 50 feet- I got 93 shots (out of 100) on the paper. Of those, 65 are somewhere on the Martian. One is near the center. A year ago, at that distance, the best I could do was 50 shots out of 100 on the paper.
  19. richgem

    richgem suffering from chronic clicker hand cramps

    Maybe if you shot the Martian first and then finished the quilt? ;)
    blondblue likes this.
  20. mrchick

    mrchick Odd, Terrible Avatar

    I like the quilt, put it on a stand, and you’ve got nine targets.

    Which gun are you using when you’re shooting at the Martian?
    Frijolero and Enrico like this.

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