What Straight Razor Have You Honed Lately????

Discussion in 'Straight Razors' started by DaltonGang, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    Oldie but a goodie. I would just like to find an 8x3 Echers Thuringian. The two I have are small, and require some concentration, so you don't cut yourself.

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  2. lindyhopper66

    lindyhopper66 Well-Known Member

    I sold my 8/8 Bartmann 2 years ago along with 5 other bests and miss them but still have too many razors. The 8/8 Bartmann was the first NOS straight I bought and came from an antique/junk store, believe or not.
    Karl G, Axeman556 and DaltonGang like this.
  3. lindyhopper66

    lindyhopper66 Well-Known Member

    Here's the second razor I honed a few days ago, Dovo Best Class 55, from blanks of Fritz Bracht's time with Dovo. I used Naniwa 1K, 5K, 8K, 12K and then Gokumyo 20K, linen and leather strop. A beautiful shave with it today.

    Steve56, Karl G, DrStrange and 3 others like this.
  4. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    Back in the saddle again. :happy088:
    Steve56, Karl G and lindyhopper66 like this.
  5. lindyhopper66

    lindyhopper66 Well-Known Member

    Yes, more or less. I just got reminded I have a hard time with wedges and near wedges. I have yet to get the little French near wedge right.
    Steve56, Karl G and DaltonGang like this.
  6. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    Wadsworth & Son "XLNT"
    6/8+ inch
    Full Hollow

    I acquired this a while back, and just got around to honing it. I did a full progression on my Welsh Slate Stones, and finished it off with an Eschers Thuringian. It took a very nice edge. This was an easy razor to hone. Everything was straight and the way a razor should be.

    Steve56, TestDepth, Axeman556 and 3 others like this.
  7. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    DF 32
    Near Wedge

    This was honed for a fellow member. It has been troublesome for him. So, I gave it a go, like the Wadsworth above. I needed to put two layers of tape on the spine, due to wear. The blade also has a small hook on the heel end, with a stabilizer that interferes with a proper honing. Just like the old Gold Dollar 66 razors. I honed through it anyway, wearing the stabilizer down even with the bevel.
    The edge seemed fine, with the HHT, but proved unsatisfactory with a shave, on 5 days facial growth.
    I decided to step it up, and go Uber Sharp, with an Arkansas Surgical Black stone. So, 2 layers of tape, and several strokes later, the edge was scary sharp. It silently and effortlessly cut fine hair, root in and root out, from toe to heel. So, 4 days growth later, and the shave went much better, but still not as smooth as I like. Upon an after the shave stropping and inspection, it appears the edge has fallen off a little. Possibly bad temper, or bad steel. I Dunno.

    Last edited: Sep 18, 2023
    Steve56, TestDepth, Axeman556 and 3 others like this.
  8. Axeman556

    Axeman556 Well-Known Member

    Fon golden star wedge

    Finally worked up the courage to give my new stones a go. Went shapton kuromaku 1k, 2k, 5k , 8k , 12k , then finished on the mizu asagi jnat. Raised slurry on all with a 1k diamond plate. I can say my first honing venture was a success. Gave me a effortless bbs shave!! @gssixgun thank you for the awesome YouTube vids and all the guidance !!! :eatdrink047: Compress_20230918_222958_8707.jpg Compress_20230918_222959_9159.jpg
    Steve56, TestDepth, Frijolero and 3 others like this.
  9. Axeman556

    Axeman556 Well-Known Member

    Razor number two down , H. Diamond 1/4 hollow, went thru the shapton progression and finished on the mizu asagi jnat. Made for a laser edge and wonderful shave Compress_20230920_221051_1474.jpg Compress_20230920_221051_1974.jpg
  10. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    Gipson Razor
    Model "Alvaro"
    By: Andrey Shpakovskiy
    Made in the Ukraine
    8/8 Full Hollow
    Stabilized Burly Maple

    The edge has been degrading on this one for a while, so, I decided to touch it up, with a new hone. I used this 9x4x1 inch Pennsylvania Blue Slate. I used a few Naguras for the slurry, and finished with clear water. Excellent results with the HHT, root in and root out, from toe to heel.
    This is one large stone.

    Frijolero, Steve56, TestDepth and 2 others like this.
  11. Steve56

    Steve56 Hone Hoarder

    No little undersized English cut with that one Scott!
    lindyhopper66 and DaltonGang like this.
  12. Axeman556

    Axeman556 Well-Known Member

    #3 down this razor honed phenomenally well , The Ability 1500 truly took a unreal edge . Went thru the shapton progression started at 2k tho went to 12k , finished on the jnat , with slurry from a shobu tomo! The ensuing shave from this razor was nothing short of stellar, super proud to see my work yield phenomenal results!! Compress_20230925_215045_5277.jpg Compress_20230925_205230_0520.jpg
  13. Steve56

    Steve56 Hone Hoarder

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  14. Axeman556

    Axeman556 Well-Known Member

    Thank you Steve ! :eatdrink047:
    Frijolero and Steve56 like this.
  15. Axeman556

    Axeman556 Well-Known Member

    Sent this beat up Japanese super cross through the shapton progression 1k thru 12k ,and finished on the awiitani with tomo slurry. The following shave was clean and fast another whisker squeegy Compress_20231004_222808_8643.jpg Compress_20231004_222808_8255.jpg
  16. Axeman556

    Axeman556 Well-Known Member

    Tanifuji maxfli 40, put this puppy through a shapton progression 1k thru 8k, then onto the slab asagi jnat for a full nagura progression, wrapped it up with shobu tomo slurry. The resulting shave was nothing short of stellar ! @Steve56 thanks for the nagura my friend! Compress_20231007_122102_2032.jpg Compress_20231007_122102_2541.jpg
  17. Steve56

    Steve56 Hone Hoarder

    YW sir!
    Axeman556 likes this.
  18. Axeman556

    Axeman556 Well-Known Member

    Another tanifuji maxfli that I've nick named whitey!!! Whitey payed a visit to the aiwiitani for a full nagura progression, finished on some heavenly tomo slurry. Which let to a phenomenal shave and truly scary sharp edge. Compress_20231009_222245_5346.jpg Compress_20231009_222245_5800.jpg Compress_20231009_222244_4915.jpg
    DaltonGang, Frijolero and TestDepth like this.
  19. Axeman556

    Axeman556 Well-Known Member

    Fancy diamond hiyashi , it has some spine work done to it, pretty cool if you ask me! Sent it thru a shapton progression 1k to 8k, then onto my asagi slab jnat for a full nagura progression and wrapped it up with tomo slurry. Led to a effortless bbs shave. Compress_20231012_230838_8062.jpg Compress_20231012_230837_7617.jpg Compress_20231012_230836_6975.jpg
  20. Axeman556

    Axeman556 Well-Known Member

    Finished up this H. Diamond half hollow tonight! Started with a shapton progression 1k thru 8k, then onto the slabby jnat for a nagura progression, finished on shobu tomo slurry and diluted down to nothing but clear water! Could not of asked for a more perfect shave , effortless bbs , this edge was a whisker squeegee!! If this one looks familiar I have a identical twin razor that's slightly thinner . Compress_20231018_220247_7767.jpg Compress_20231018_220248_8237.jpg

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