What year is this Aristocrat

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by rkelmy, Jul 11, 2010.

  1. rkelmy

    rkelmy New Member

    Can anyone identify what year this Aristocrat may have been made?

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  2. battle.munky

    battle.munky Has the menthol.munky on his back!

    That junky thing? I think you need to throw it in my trash can and not worry about the date, I'll make sure it gets down to the road!

    Seriously though, I'm not sure about the date. google gillette date codes and you'll get country joes site and even though none of the razors you posted have date codes, he can ballpark you with the info there.
  3. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    No idea about the date, but I do know that is one sweet lookin' razor!
  4. shaveslave

    shaveslave Member

    1946-47; it came with 3 different cases- a burgundy interior; cream interior/burgundy case, cream interior/navy case. that's a beautiful specimen; great shavers.
  5. mr-razor

    mr-razor Well-Known Member





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