What you might not know about The Shave Den

Discussion in 'General Shaving Talk' started by Dridecker, Apr 22, 2010.

  1. DLP

    DLP Well-Known Member

    Thank you everyone that keep TSD running
    Queen of Blades and newb like this.
  2. Howard

    Howard Active Member

    Joanna, don't know if this would help or not but if you held a fund raising auction for members of the site, I'd put up a TPE Razor to help the effort. I'll even hone it out to 30,000 grit on the Shaptons.
    Queen of Blades likes this.
  3. Malaska

    Malaska New Member

    Wow, that's great! I can't believe she donates all her time for free just to help this board keep running. Even though I'm new, I really appreciate it!
    Queen of Blades and newb like this.
  4. stitch

    stitch New Member

    Thanks for this forum. I have only been a member for a few hours and already love it
    Queen of Blades and newb like this.
  5. Richmondesi

    Richmondesi Active Member

    Clicked on a link in swarden43's signature. Very interesting thread.
  6. soapbuddy

    soapbuddy Mistress of Lather

    Thank you from me as well.
    Queen of Blades likes this.
  7. PadreTex

    PadreTex Well-Known Member

    Many thanks to Sparky, JoAnna especially; and to all of the moderators for giving us such a good forum to share and enjoy. "May God bless you too much!"
    Queen of Blades likes this.
  8. JayPo007

    JayPo007 Well-Known Member

    Many thank yous from me also. I will spread the word for sure. I will be ordering some shave soap soon as well.
    Queen of Blades and Ryan B like this.
  9. Fishsticks87

    Fishsticks87 Member

    One of the many awesome things about The Shave Den is it's advertisement free!:happy036:
    Thank you for all the hard work that is put into this site and the store.
    Queen of Blades likes this.
  10. Ryan B

    Ryan B Knight of the Soapocracy

    There is no BS with TSD, that's what I like about it. Basically, if you act like a civilized person and be nice, you'll be just fine. No politics or anything like that. PERFECTO!
    Edit: How could I forget the thank you? Thank you to all of my worldwide family on here for being cool, kind, generous, and just downright awesome!
    Queen of Blades, Abu_Lam'yaa and newb like this.
  11. 178-bplatoon

    178-bplatoon Well-Known Member

    :happy096: Dridecker for making this :signs097:!!
    As a relative (Nubee) here (I've only been a member since August)who has already managed to make some screwups. I'd like to say :signs107: to "sparky" and "JoAnna" for all their help in not only fixing "MY" mistakes :signs001: , but also for all the work THEY and the other "mods." do to keep this place going! This is a "GREAT" place and I hope to not only continue to enjoy TSD for a long time, but also to contribute in some way to it in the future. So THANK YOU "sparky" and "JoAnna" for all of your efforts and for allowing me to be a part of this "WONDERFUL" forum!!!
    :wave: :wave: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :happy093::wave::wave:
    Queen of Blades and Gairdner like this.
  12. Gairdner

    Gairdner Well-Known Member

    I thought this type of generosity, care and plain old-fashioned goodness died a long time ago. Its never felt so good to be wrong so hat's off big time and I gotta say I agree with stingraysrock about the format of this place - ain't nothing like it. Have some love from Scotland :love029:.
    swarden43 and Queen of Blades like this.
  13. newb

    newb Resident Newb

    So let me get this right, the TSD store supports TSD forums. TSD wheat cream is one of the best creams I've ever used. TSD Lanolin soap is one of the slickest soaps I've ever used and it's way easier to get it to lather than MWF. The glycerin soaps are good and the scents are awesome. Plus menthol can be added to your soaps to get the freeze you desire. Why the heck would anyone not shop the TSD store ? Great soaps, Great cream, Great scents and supporting the best shave forum around. What more would a wet shaver want ?
  14. youngunn

    youngunn Where's my TSD aftershave balm???

    I just wanted to day that I really appreciate this forum here and that supporting the store is awesome because of how much customization is available, all the different scents, levels of menthols, great soaps and creams, just awesome.
    ohpaos and Queen of Blades like this.
  15. David Tyler

    David Tyler New Member

    Thank you, no adds is awesome! This place just keeps getting better!
    Queen of Blades likes this.
  16. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor
    I use Chrome for a browser and Ad Blocker to block ads, so I don't notice the no ads aspect of TSD. I am more impressed with the content. And thanks to you JoAnna, Sparky, and all the moderators for your selfless work.
    Queen of Blades, ohpaos and swarden43 like this.
  17. Bobcat

    Bobcat Well-Known Member

    Sparky and JoAnna-I run a hunting message board out of my own pocket. I know what it takes and all the hard work involved.

    Thanks for great site!!

    Queen of Blades likes this.
  18. Peter Cupitt

    Peter Cupitt robe-wearing whale shaver

    I have seen a few Forums in my time and I have been a member of various forums, Clubs, Communities, BBS, Chat Rooms, IRC groups, etc and I can say without fear of retribution, that this forum is the most friendly, helpful and dare i say it, Well Run places for people to get together and discuss (and learn) many things while being social. There seems to be NO "Flame Wars" among people from all over the globe. You don't see THAT every day, anywhere else !!!!
    HUGE KUDOS to The Queen Of Blades and Sparky and the MODS AND the "experts" and the "Founding Members" AND the Newbies. You are all "Too Cool For Skool".
    :happy036: :signs107:
  19. ironthinker

    ironthinker Well-Known Member

    Forums are great, as is the internet, for new info and contacts. I am new here and want to say thanks for being here. I will sure support as time goes on.
    Queen of Blades likes this.
  20. J. Stuhr

    J. Stuhr New Member

    The generosity of some people, namely the ones who are running this site, sometimes amaze me. I'm learning a lot from everyone, I hope that I may be able to contribute in the future.

    Thank You so so So Much!
    Queen of Blades likes this.

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