I had a pint of this a couple nights ago at the source. I had to set the restriction before my first sip..............it’s VERY tasty! https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/5077/108901/
The champagne of beers. That always makes me chuckle..........just like Pabts “blue ribbon.” I competition must have been slim back in the day.
Hamms is my yard work beer. I always regret getting carried away, regardless of the source, so I don’t anymore.
Hot toddy* (Not feeling all that well and I could swear that those things are a magical cure.) *Ginger tea, honey, lemon juice, and a wee dram.
T'is cold outside right now in Central Florida. My glass is filled up with Proper Twelve. https://properwhiskey.com/
The famed/famous/infamous (you choose which) Richard Marcinko would be proud of you! OR... Is @brit but a pseudonym for him? Hhmm?
Now that you mention it, they were pretty slim. But after the first 6 pack, they were all pretty much the same and did the same thing. You drank, you got tipsy, you ate, you had to pee and so forth! You catch my drift??
Moscow Mule made with Gosling ginger beer, New Amsterdam vodka, and garnished with a cara cara pink navel orange slice.