Williams & Palmolive Green

Discussion in 'Shave Soaps' started by Straight Arrow, Apr 12, 2007.

  1. Straight Arrow

    Straight Arrow Active Member

    When Palmolive went on clearance at CVS I bought a ton of both the red and the green tubes. I like the red and use it frequently. The green tube is a brushless cream and I don't really care for it by itself. However...and I cannot emphasize this enough...Palmolive green used in combination with Williams soap yields one helluva great shaving lather. It's so easy. I just whip up some Williams, a bit on the wet side, and then add a slurt of the Palmolive green and whip it good. Voila! Wonderful stuff. I wish someone else would try this and confirm my high regard for how well it works. It's one of my favorite lathers and I use it at least two or three times a week.
  2. Will

    Will Nevermind

    IN TIME!

    I have the Green tube and will pick up some Williams shave soap the next time I am out and report back to you. :D
  3. TraderJoe

    TraderJoe Pink Floid


    Thats hilarious man.

    I'll give it a try for sure.....I have a half-dozen (each) or so of the Palmo's laying around, I'm sure I can spare a few "slurts"
  4. TraderJoe

    TraderJoe Pink Floid

    Well, bud, I gave the williams a try with both the Green and the Red.


    1) Green -> Kills the lather, gunks up the brush

    2) Red -> Creates incredible superlather, reminds me of the slickness of JM Fraser -> Kills the whisker

    *Note: As a reminder, it DOES say on the Palmolive tubes to apply on top of pre-soaped-beard

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