Just a reminder so everyone can get their puck of Williams shave soap ready to go - Next Monday, Sep 19th, kicks off a week of Williams love. This will be a great time for those who get frustrated with trying to get a good lather to play and experiment with this "wonderful" soap (so say others). I gotta be honest, I'm not a big fan of Williams because of the scent. I put Williams Week into the schedule in hopes that what happens with others and scents they don't care for will happen to me - "I didn't like it at first, but the scent kind of grew on me." Just as a reminder, these theme weeks are all in fun. No one is under any obligation to participate. Join in as little or as much as you would like. Share your experiences here and/or over on the SOS threads.
I just found a puck of Williams at the grocery store today, they didn't have it last week This week, they had two pucks, so I bought one. I will save it for next Monday.
I'm a genuine newbie, but I'll play. Williams was the first soap I purchased (a random decision in CVS to get a soap and brush that eventually led me here) and to me, it's not a fantastic smell, but certainly inoffensive. I haven't used in a while (Proraso is so much fun!) but it'll be nice to take the puck for a spin to see what I can muster -- hopefully more than sudsy lather.
I actually like the modern Williams and will try to stick with it the whole week, but I have lots of the vintage Williams that I really, really, really like.
Don't get impatient with it as it takes a little longer to get where you want to go with the Williams. Don't be afraid of the water either as it's pretty thirsty stuff.
I can get a decent Williams lather. However, Williams like a number of other soaps doesn't get along well with my skin. But it does work great as a laundry stain stick! I will play along as long my skin tolerates and will use Williams in my laundry. I kid you not... Rub Williams on stains on white clothes and it helps lift the stain and it brightens the whites.
Yeah... and they face the same kind of vanishing lather issues. However, I think MWF is pickier than Williams.
I can get MWF to work but only have luck with Williams when I am ready to relather mid shave. Modern Williams anyhow, the vtg stuff is really good, just scentless. Steve, do Williams blends count? My VanWilder has proven to be truly a pleasure to use.
Not necessarily, as most soaps or creams water amounts vary to each, you have to find the sweet spot with every product. The water is added slowly so it can be incorporated into the lather. You often hear complaints about Williams dissappearing on the face, which means enough water wasn't added to the mix to stablize it and it breaks down into soap film. Lathered properly Williams will look just like every other soap out there for the most part. I don't know if I answered your question or not.
Debating whether or not I'm going to partake in this event lol, I can make Williams work and have done so for years, I just gotta be in the mood to work with it.
Eh, I find I have to shave in sections with Williams, I usually have a brush in one hand and the razor in the other, I do shave faster though lol.
Okay.....now I REALLY want to try the Williams, to see how it lathers up with my cheap brush! I will wait though, and be patient. I want to be able to share my frustrations with everyone else at the same time.
seeing this thread i wish i had bought the bulk pack of williams soap while doing some antique shopping this week. they had a roll of vintage williams soap wrapped in paper with maybe 8 pucks. unused, unopened. oh well. enjoy your soaps and have good shaves