Oh... no problems with Williams on the skin today. However, I was also noticing that I have been able to branch out and try more products lately. Maybe I have developed some type of tolerance lately. Dunno... we will see how the week goes. I always keep Williams around, but I usually can't use it more than 2-3 days in a row. But, as there was no problem at all today, I am hopeful for a good week. Egads... I just watched that youtube video I posted a LONG time ago on working Williams. I so want to delete that thing!
Williams Week: Monday EJ 89L Voshkod (1) Vintage Simms boar Vintage Williams SS home mentholated AS remnant blend I really dig the vintage Williams, I think I may stick with it through the rest of the week. 3.5/5 blades
Well, the Sledgehammer loaded with a Rapira proved to be to much for poor Williams, horrid razor burn and some red bumps. Going to go with the Timor and a Dark Blue 7 O'clock today.
Williams week: Tuesday EJ 89L Voshkod (2) Modern williams used as a shave stick Vintage Simms boar As the box suggests, AV AS :biggrin: Well, using it as a stick doesn't make it work any better. I don't mind the smell but the performance just lets me down consistently. But the shave was still good, actually pretty damn good so I'm giving it a sold 3.75/5 blades today. Enjoy your shaves today ladies and gentlemen!
I swear when they reformulated the stuff all they did was make it a gimmick for cartridge users. How I stuck to this primarily when I started out is beyond me, its gonna be a long week....
Williams Week- Day 2 Modern Williams Vintage Barbershop brush Gem Contour II Vintage Gem Blue Star blade-day 2 Old Spice cologne All and all a pretty good shave, the Contour II is pretty tame so tomorrow it's back to a more he-man razor. The Williams worked great again.
Tuesday Used a bit more water this morning and a drop less M Bomb (just 4). Used my Mohawk 3-338 boar (original knot) and darn near hit the sweet spot. Had a pretty decent lather. Still not much of the smell scent coming through, but some. Not bad. We'll see if I can get it any better.
Modern Williams RV Finest Gem OCMM Gem Stainless PTFE Alum Superior 70 Bay Rum (Boosted) Excellent shave this morning. Both the Williams and the OCMM/Pella worked great again.
Happy Tuesday From Florida! Hot Shower Green Marvy Mug Vintage Williams P.C. Red (TGN Finest, 22mm Fan) Schick Grip EMS Blade (2) Cold Water Rag A.V. Blue 3 Passes = DFS+! Another Fantastic Shave! Have a great day Ya"ll!
Tuesday morning, Gillette NEW Short Comb, Personna Red Pack Blade, Rooney 1/2 "Super" Silvertip Brush, Williams Mug Soap w/ hot water lather, finish w/ cold water rinse. CCS! Plenty of slick lather with very little cushion, so no pressure for a close shave.
Tuesday's Shave: Gillette Ranger Tech Lord Platinum VDH badger Vintage Williams + M-Bomb Pinaud Clubman AS
Tuesday Lord L6 Razor Astra Super Plat blade VDH boar shave brush A Superlather of Williams and C.O. Bigelow shave cream! Generic Witch Hazel Old Spice Classic Determined to have a good shave today, I put one of the blades I've determined as best so far in my razor, and fabricated a concoction of Williams Shaving soap and C.O. Bigelow shave cream. The Result was a friction free surface NASA would be proud of and an ultra smooth shave. BBS! Yeah, maybe I cheated, but it feels good!
Williams Tuesday: Personna Shavette Voskhod TGN Silvertip Badger Neutrogena Post Balm Old Spice Yeah yeah yeah. I know you have to lather Williams with boar. But if I'm gonna keep touting my TGN silvertip and saying "it's by far my favorite brush," blablabla "it can do anything," and so on and so forth, well then it's gotta pass the Williams test doesn't it? So...did it pass? See bottom pic. I soaked the soap and brush during my shower, then came out and basically left the brush full of water and loaded it up very heavily. It started foaming up immediately, but because the brush was so loaded it was literally swimming in Williams and so took a while to get it to thicken up. Eventually it did though, and I wound up having plenty of lather for a 5 pass shave with some left over. It did dry out fairly quickly once on my face so I had to reapply occasionally, but other than that it was completely decent. Protection and glide was ok, nothing special. I'll definitely use the omega boar next time and see how it compares. I did have to change blades out 3 passes in because I was having a really hard time getting close, and that made an immediate difference. I think in a shavette even a Voskhod only lasts two measly shaves. Fatboy with the same set at 4 for cleanup, and a dab of the Old Spice because for some reason I love it on rainy days.
Late afternoon S&S after spending the day working on restoring the vintage Fisher "Grandpa" model wood stove that came with my house. Winter is coming, electricity rates are climbing, and this stove puts out enough heat to keep the house comfortable even if its well below freezing outside. Hot Shower Gillette Tech w/Shark blade (4!) SimplyBeautiful Pure Badger Brush Williams Mug Witch Hazel Stetson Cooling Moisture AS Another DFS with Williams. I like to face lather, although the Williams takes a bit of brush work, there is a point at which it seems to morph into a nice rich slippery lather. I had to add a bit from the bowl for my third pass, no big deal. With a bit of trepidation, I left the Shark blade in for its shave #4, and it performed extremely well. I may not really like the smell of Williams, but I get good shaves, and I can pick it up for a buck at my local grocery store.
The Timor and 7 O'clock worked much better, finished off the shave with Gillette Cool Wave AS, and 444 gel.... Gonna stick with this setup for a bit.
Williams Tuesday. Another wonderful shave. We all know that Williams is a very thirsty soap, and even with plenty of water, which produces a nice, thick, creamy lather, the lather longevity is not very long. This means, gents, that if you lather up and then tiptoe into the bedroom for a little "Ooh, look, it's SantaClaus here to stuff my stocking" action with the wife... by the time you get there, the lather will have subsided, and you'll look more like Rudolph than Santa. Utility soap for a utility shave, albeit a totally smooth one. 5 minutes. This morning's shave was sponsored by my 38C, ably aided by my Omega 66 Boarmeister.
Not sure any lather could hold up for the appropriate time for such activity. My sympathies to your wife.