Woolfat Wednesdays?

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by Weishi Warrior, Feb 23, 2011.


Which day should be the official Woolfat Day

Poll closed Mar 1, 2011.
  1. Tuesday - Fat Tuesday

    19 vote(s)
  2. Wednesday - Woolfat Wednesday

    11 vote(s)
  1. Weishi Warrior

    Weishi Warrior Well-Known Member

  2. MikekiM

    MikekiM Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's great stuff.. My initial reaction was that it smelled like my Great Aunt Anne's fur coat when she took it out of storage, but now...it's just a nice clean scent.
  3. greenhorn

    greenhorn New Member

    I tried my Woolfat this morning for the second time and it's pretty good stuff. Part of my lucky purchase of used soaps Palmolive and Speick sticks and a puck of Woolfat soap all unused.
  4. greenhorn

    greenhorn New Member

    I like the sound of Fat Tuesday but many times I only shave every other day, hence my vote for Woolfat Wednesday seeing Monday is already spoken for.
  5. Billr

    Billr Mix Master Mighty White!

    I like the sound of Fat Tuesday also. But truth be told I do not have any woolfat and never tried it so I really should not have voted.
  6. Weishi Warrior

    Weishi Warrior Well-Known Member

    The more you use MWF the more you like it! It leaves the skin in great shape.
  7. MikekiM

    MikekiM Well-Known Member

    Has 'Fat Tuesday' been declared official yet??
  8. Weishi Warrior

    Weishi Warrior Well-Known Member

    FAT TUESDAY has been posted!

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