Wostenholm "Pipe" Razor Custom Restoration

Discussion in 'Razor Restoration' started by YourGunShowTickets, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. YourGunShowTickets

    YourGunShowTickets Well-Known Member

    Hello sages, I am facing a quandary. I have a Wosty, which appears to be 1/2 hollow and after honing and stropping has a very nice edge. It's scales are garbage, however, and I suspect the non-wooden one to be original rubber scale.
    I would like to put it in one of the most durable materials I can think of, G10, maybe an OD color.
    Does anybody have a recommendation to buy pre-made scales or should I just go the standard plastic scales route? Unfortunately, other hobbies take up a lot more of my time lately and I wouldn't be able to make these myself from a sheet of G10.

    The razor in question.


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