You Ever Wanna Just Chuck It All?

Discussion in 'General Shaving Talk' started by poppi, Jul 3, 2024.

  1. Bax

    Bax Well-Known Member

    I have lots of hobbies that require lots of space. I have found that my interest waxes and wanes over time. I may pack up all the stuff of a particular hobby and ignore it for a couple of years and focus on other things. Then my interest is rekindled one way or another, and I pull it all out and enjoy the hobby again, as something else gets packed up for a while. It's the ebb and flow of life I think. Instead of getting rid of everything right away, why not just pack it away for a couple of years and see if the bug bites you again! If not, you can always get rid of it then. Razors don't go bad, after all.
    - Bax
    Hodge likes this.
  2. gorgo2

    gorgo2 geezerhood

    1/3 of my fragrance collection is about to go. The rest requires a bit more decision making but there will still be cuts. It piled up fast because full bottles would be cheaper than decanted samples, in case I liked something, and except for just one (Antaeus) I wasn't buying anything really pricey. Still, a lot of it ended up redundant or just not what I wanted.

    Next comes the pile of razors. Again. Once upon a time I'd never have thought I'd say this: thankfully, they aren't turning up nearly as often around here. But then again, I'm not bothering going on the hunt anymore either. I passed by a box with a Fatboy, a Slim, an old type, and three SS recently. They were a bit overpriced (accompanied by ancient barber junk) but I didn't care enough to even make an offer.

    Then I'll deal with almost all of the tobacco pipes. The tobaccos won't go bad so they will be dealt with in time (I'm content with averaging 1-2 pipes per week).

    Progress is progress. Onward and upward.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2024

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