SE or DE? Which is best? The great 2012 shave-off

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by Mark1966, Jan 13, 2012.

  1. Everett

    Everett Well-Known Member

    A DE has 2 edges, and an SE only has one.....AND I have heard it said that an SE is quite a bit more aggressive. I have yet to try one myself though.

    Excellent Thread! Would Read Again! A+
    Mark1966 likes this.
  2. SharpSpine

    SharpSpine Well-Known Member

    A SE blade is much, much thicker and stiffer. A SE razor does not try to bend the blade like most DEs (the '11 R41 being the obvious exception) so your angle of attack will be a bit different than what you're used to. However, just listen to the audible feedback mentioned above to know when you have the correct angle to mow down those whiskers.
  3. DLreno

    DLreno Well-Known Member

    SE tends to be more aggressive, however variety abounds in the razors which handle this aggressiveness differently. Sure, the OCMM is probably one of the more aggressive choices, however I find the 1912's to be quite mild and the Push Button to be "medium" in aggressiveness. What is nice is all of these vintage razors are readily available for very reasonable prices. For those that like variety like I do, SE's offer it in spades, and are fine compliments to the DE experience.
    SharpSpine likes this.
  4. Glasstream15

    Glasstream15 Member

    I just used my GEM Clog-Pruf to take off 2 days worth. LOUD feedback, even on the third ATG pass. And a DFS without any of my "precious bodily fluids" getting outside my body. First time in a while I have not had at least a tiny nick somewhere. Of course, the rep of the GEMs makes me maybe a bit more concious and careful. Good shave though, with a blade that was put in that razor two days before Christmas and used twice then set on the shelf while I experimented with a couple of other razors. The Walgreen's GEM by Personna stainless blades are GOOD. I'm gonna have to pick up several packs while they have them.

    So, SE ROCKS. Whether GEM or Shick Injector, SE is good. My 5 DEs may get a bit upset about this but I am beginning to really like SE.
    HoosierTrooper and SharpSpine like this.
  5. PanChango

    PanChango Not Cute

    I love the OCMM. My first day with the OCMM left me with enough irritation that I had to skip a day. The very next shave everything clicked and boy howdy was it a treat. I went on a few month run of only using my OCMM. I have tried a few other SE razors (Gem Junior Bar, 1912, ER1924, Feather Weight, Push Button, and Clog Pruf) and I just don't like any of them anywhere near the OCMM.

    I don't have a Red Ring to compare it to, so if you would like to send one my way for extended evaulation,... :)
    SharpSpine likes this.
  6. lradke

    lradke and doggone it, people like me

    I find the difference between the two is mainly the thickness of the blades, when it comes to SE and DE blades. Both types of blades last the same amount of shaves for me. As for aggressiveness, I wouldn't say they are more aggressive...just different. Some are quite mild. The only SE I really enjoy using is my Valet Autostrop, as it is the only one that will give a shave that lasts all day (really out of all my DE and SE razors)

    I think this is a great thread, I personally find these threads very informative when looking at razors!
  7. Tomas Garcia

    Tomas Garcia Member

    very nice write ups! after I get more of my technique down I may get an SE for some Variety.
  8. Mark1966

    Mark1966 Well-Known Member

    This is a hard one to answer given your caveat as, well, the only difference is that a DE has two edges and an SE has one! Seriously there is a range of SEs just as there is a range of DEs. The SEs have a different shape and load the blade slightly differently but are basically the same principle. The technique is slightly different as the angle is different but not as distinctive as using a straight!
  9. Mark1966

    Mark1966 Well-Known Member


    Here we are folks, the final round, at least for now.

    It is another work day, so no time for mucking around. Shower, shave then out the door. This is also day four for the Feather in the Red Ring - potentially hazardous at the best of time. So you can see that I'm a thrill seeker at heart, in a rush and throwing a four day old Feather around my face :scared007:

    So let's get into it. I'm going to start controversially:


    Yes, for those that have been following closely that is the pic from the first day recycled, like I said I'm in a rush. I was also thinking about which soap to use and remembered that I'd taken a pic of the C&E Nomad but had not used it. I figured it was only fair to give it a run.

    I can hear the gasps from some of you already. C&E soaps polarize people, you either love them or hate them. My wife is a big C&E fan so I tend to have received a few of their products as gifts over the years (not sure why I need some of them to be honest) so when I started DE shaving I knew it was just a matter of time. I'm just thankful that I haven't received one of their brushes, nice looking but $$$$$$!

    So there we go, a controversial choice of soap. How will the OCMM stand up under this sort of pressure? Only one way to find out, I whip it out and off we go, doing my whole face, first pass, north to south with the OCMM. This did take some getting used to, doing my whole face but it did a mighty fine job.

    Then it was time for the Red Ring for the second pass and touch ups. Yes, for those of you who haven't guessed I'm using the (in)famous 'Thomas Method' so dubbed by me after its most vocal proponent in one of the Aussie shaving forums. In the controversial Thomas Method you do the first pass with a SE then the second past and touch ups with a DE. Claimed by supporters to be the best of both worlds and derided by critics as being so sitting on the fence that you get splinters you know where I know that it was a controversial way to finish this challenge.

    The result for round four: S-M-O-O-T-H, in fact BBS.

    I realise that I could get banned from shaving forums around the globe but maybe that old Aussie bugger was on to something.

    Do we know which is best? Of course YMMV means that we never will. I am convinced though that part of the enjoyment of shaving nowadays is trying alternatives and savouring the moment. This daily ritual can be a enjoyable.

    I'm also convinced that SEs are worth a run. One day I may even try a straight if I can learn how. Don't be afraid once you have a few shaves under your belt to be a little adventurous.

    So that is it from me. I've enjoyed the ride and hope you have too.

    May all your shaves be smooth, happy shaving!
    SharpSpine likes this.
  10. SharpSpine

    SharpSpine Well-Known Member

    Well done Mark. I've not even considered using a SE for one pass and a DE for another. Using each on respective sides of the face I've heard of before in previous shave-offs, but this shave today was pretty enlightening for me. Not sure I'd try it tomorrow or even the next day, but I'm sure one day this controversial method of shaving will drip out of my mind and into a SOTD post.

    Thanks again for sharing!
  11. Mark1966

    Mark1966 Well-Known Member

    Well Brian I take no credit for the 'Thomas Method' but I hope you have enjoyed the journey.

    happy shaving!
  12. Tomas Garcia

    Tomas Garcia Member

    Very good write up and finale. Interesting to me using 2 razors for the same shave, I would have never thought of takingthe time to do that!
  13. Mark1966

    Mark1966 Well-Known Member

    As I said, I take no credit for the idea BUT it didn't take any longer shave wise, they were both there and had their turn!
  14. johnus

    johnus Well-Known Member

    Well all of this SE talk concentrated my thought wonderfully on which razor I was going to use this AM. But the gold Gem Jr looked so good that I chged my plans. The Jr and a Gem blade. Alway enjoyed the older Jr. Good starting razor for 1st time users.

    1st choice was an older Eagle. Soars above the others- not really!

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